COVID-19: State of the Ecommerce Industry

As champions for small businesses, we at Volusion are committed to providing you with helpful information and resources for navigating the COVID-19 pandemic. In this post, we explore the current state of ecommerce.

The State of Online Retail

Consumers continue to shift their purchasing behavior online, leading to higher ecommerce sales combined with delays in shipping.


  • 47% of retailers expect some downside in revenue
  • 58% say virus will impact consumer confidence
  • 44% of retailers expect product delays
  • 40% of retailers expect inventory shortages
  • 32.7% of respondents said they were avoiding physical stores, and more than half said they’ll avoid them if COVID-19 spreads
  • 34.9% Increase year-over-year in share of consumers reporting online retail purchases

Industry News

Brick-and-Mortar Store Closures

As stay-at-home orders persist in many areas and consumers remain concerned about the spread of COVID-19, brick-and-mortar retailers are feeling the heat.

Industry News

COVID-19 Scams

Cyber criminals are taking advantage of the uncertainty created by the pandemic. Stay informed and don’t get scammed.

Industry News

Organizational News